
For a long time I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a living. All I knew was that doing art was my passion but I believed the generic point of view according to which I needed a decent job that paid well and then I could be creative in my free time.

After graduating from university as an architectural engineer I started to take steps towards the profession that I didn’t even feel connected to. Things didn’t seem to work out for me either. I had this resistance in me all along and I wasn’t thrilled about the thought of having to climb the ladder to be able to do some creative stuff at some point after years of mechanical and dull tasks. And even then it wouldn’t exactly be the type of creative work that I truly desired.

So finally I had to be honest with myself and stopped trying to get a job that I didn’t even want in the first place. I made a decision to start from scratch and I chose the profession for myself that makes me feel excited and inspired every day. That profession happened to be graphic design so, long story short, this is my page. Welcome! (-: